Chemical evolution

美 [ˈkemɪkl ˌiːvəˈluːʃn]英 [ˈkemɪkl ˌiːvəˈluːʃn]
  • 网络化学演化
Chemical evolutionChemical evolution
  1. The environmental change of the primitive earth and the chemical evolution of life


  2. Does it show evidence of geologic activity or organic chemical evolution ?


  3. Mechanism of Chemical Evolution for Quaternary Groundwater in Yangtze River Estuarine Region


  4. In the chemical evolution of every part of the earth tectonics plays a very important role .


  5. A review of influences of seawater chemical evolution on biomineralization


  6. Chemical evolution of shallow groundwater and the residence time in the Ejina Basin


  7. The origin of life is thought to start at the transit from chemical evolution into biological evolution .


  8. Calculating the chemical evolution of galactic halo with Miller-Scalo initial mass function


  9. G Dwarfs Metallicity Distribution in the Solar Neighbourhood and the Chemical Evolution


  10. The Observational Constraints to the Multiphase , Three-Zone Chemical Evolution Model for Galaxies


  11. Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy


  12. Solving the G-dwarf Problem with a Three-Component Model of the Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy


  13. Summarizing the aggregation and interactions in supramolecule involving amino acids and the role in chemical evolution .


  14. Through the study of nuclear synthesis , we can understand the origin of elements , star formation and chemical evolution of galaxies .


  15. Analysis about the abundance in different stellar populations is a very important subject in study of the structure and chemical evolution of the Galaxy .


  16. The chemical evolution of galaxies is a long-interesting problem for astrophysicist .


  17. Chemical evolution of magma in batholith of Nanjing-Zhenjiang mountain


  18. It is very significant to Ba stars for heavy-element nucleosynthesis and Galactic chemical evolution .


  19. Comparing with observation , we can conclude that the chemical evolution model of Galaxy can not fit the M31 's feature .


  20. The aim of the Galaxy chemical evolution research is to reproduce the element abundance patter of stars and gas in the Galaxy .


  21. First , three phase changes are thought to take place from chemical evolution into biological evolution , namely from random organic reactions into vectorial metabolic pathways ;


  22. By further analyzing the meteorite , researchers hope to understand its chemical evolution and create a timeline of the chemistry of our universe .


  23. The chemical evolution of life and the early evolution of the earth 's lifeless components constituted a set of interrelated , interactive and restricted processes .


  24. We model the galactic chemical evolution of primary metal element by using the instantaneous recycling approximation and the yield metal dependent which enable the problem to be handled analytically .


  25. Mafic igneous rock , a widely distributed and typical mantle-derived rock , has become a major research source for revealing possible mechanisms for the chemical evolution of the mantle .


  26. This measure protects teachers " and students " rights to present and hear " the full range of scientific views regarding biological and chemical evolution , " but it does little in practice .


  27. AGB stars have important significance to the element nucleosynthesis and the chemical evolution of the galaxy . They are the main site where elements heavier than Fe are formed in universe .


  28. The dissertation consists of two sections . The first one mainly introduce the chemical evolution model and observational constrain , and the second mainly introduce the nucleosynthesis of r-process and the chemical evolution of Ba peak elements .


  29. The " self-purification " of minerals under very high pressures may be of special significance for the chemical evolution of the different layers of the Earth , and it may be a way of redistribution of trace elements in the solid state among different minerals .


  30. Study on the chemical structure evolution of Jixi coals
